About BridgeBey

The story behind the numbers

Our approach

From numbers to strategy
Our proactive approach helps organizations let their numbers speak. Sharp content-wise, with respect for cultural differences and potential knowledge gaps. We harmonize and professionalize activities with audits and design in the field of financial controlling, business controlling, reporting and more.

In addition to differences in laws and regulations, other factors often play a role in realizing business boosts. Think about good employee management, embedding clear procedures and disclosing valuable information more easily.

BridgeBey helps organizations to convert transparent results into strategic decision-making immediately. We bridge differences, so they can realize ambitions.

Our added value

Pillars to build on yourself
Organizations choose for BridgeBey based on two main pillars: our specific knowledge and the design of our scalable services. Aimed at realizing a quality impulse for employees and organizations, not to make clients become dependent on us..

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Knowing the...

  • two financial worlds
  • Turkish language
  • Market
  • Network
  • Culture
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  • sharp financial analysis
  • immediately deployable knowledge
  • scalable services
  • result-oriented approach
  • proven success

Our story

From Bosphorus to Biesbosch
Financial information flows through companies like water through countries. But what if your financial numbers also cross countries? How do you ensure full control? And what are the implications of local financial, tax and legal guidelines?

To successfully do business between Turkey and the Netherlands the same ‘language’ must be spoken. This goes beyond harmonizing numbers. BridgeBey bridges two financial worlds in assisting clients with controlling and reporting. We are happy and eager to go ‘beyond numbers’…

When organizations want to expand through, for example, mergers & acquisitions or the start-up of production facilities, we can expand our services with our wide and trusted network. This is how we bring two continents together and provide a business boost with a clear, insightful ROI.

Our team

Behzat Beytur: acceleration through connection
Setting things in motion, getting things done, ambitious entrepreneurship. These things are part of my DNA. One of my legs firmly planted in Eindhoven, my hometown; the other in Turkey, where my family is rooted.

It’s great to embrace two worlds and cultures, to unite them in business. Knowing how to strengthen each other and how to avoid pitfalls. To share my knowledge and experience in the field of finance and business operations. My professional career is based on my affinity and passion for controlling and (financial) reporting.

Specialists: for different fields
BridgeBey interacts daily with finance, control, legal and fiscal experts from our trusted network in both The Netherlands and Turkey.

Start today

If you want to know if and how we can assist you, please contact us.